TIE Dallas is proud to announce our partnership with Hunger Mitao to

"Give Where You Live"

5 Years, 50 Million Meals Enabled!

This could not have happened without your support!

Please don’t stop now, inflation has created a crisis for our vulnerable neighbors.

About HungerMitao

HungerMitao is a volunteer-driven grassroots movement focused on raising awareness about hunger in the USA, improving community engagement, as well as channeling resources and contributions of the Indian American community to fight hunger through the Feeding America network of food banks. Over the five years since its launch on September 29, 2017, the movement has enabled 50 million meals through Feeding America and Food Banks in North Texas, Tarrant Area, Houston, New York City, Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit. Learn more at Hungermitao.org.


TiE Dallas is committed to helping the Hunger Mitao and the North Texas food bank in our partnership.

Please use this donation link to give – every dollar goes directly to supporting the food bank operations.

Peanut Butter Drive

All TiE Dallas events will have a donation box for peanut butter.

Why Peanut butter? Well, we have learned that it is the perfect donation item. It is a healthy, kid-friendly, and shelf-stable item that makes it an important component of nutritional charitable food assistance.


Join TiE Dallas during our Volunteer days at the north Texas food bank.

Use our events page to see when our next sponsored volunteer day is scheduled.

Raise Awareness

Please support us by sharing the Hunger Mitao message through your network. If you are planning an event and would like to connect with the Hunger Mitao team please email them at Email [email protected] to request information.